Saturday, May 24, 2008

2. Best Buy Mobile FTW

And subsequently, more living life, because it's what I do.

It is finally official that I got my promotion into Best Buy Mobile, and I couldn't be happier about it. Unless of course tomorrow they tell me I get a full-time spot in Best Buy Mobile. I mean for real, if I got that, there might just be tears. Not mine obviously. But, I would be induced with such nirvana that I would turn into something that of The Hulk and probably hurt someone by accident. Back to more straight forwardness, I signed all my papers, got word from management, and even started training today. So if I may, I'm going to start another paragraph on the actual training, because I think that is what happens in properly written work.

When I first got to my store to meet up with the other four guys from my store that I was car pooling with, I had the mentality that I was going to go into this training, and not only have the best group there, but have no doubts about it either. I can tell you right now, there is no doubts. We are the cheese, and they are the donut. For all you non-BBY people, that means, we are the profit, they are nothing, and probably negative in comparison. For most of the people at the training, Best Buy Mobile is just a raise, "less" work, or what they thought was commision. Most of the people there didn't really have much interest in anything other than knowing how the bonus structure works, which I can tell you, is far from commision. On the other hand, for my store, all of the people were more interested in being able to be a part of something fucking huger than anything in our lives probably. (Best Buy spent 2.1 billion dollars buying half of the biggest European mobile phone company so that we can have something never done in America for mobile phones.) The questions we were asking and interested in were actually tied more into working. Go figure. People actually wanting to work is fucking ludacris now-a-days. Some of the things I found out were pretty awesome too. And most of them had nothing to do with a mobile phone, which is what I call them now, because thats what they are called, so get used to it and start doing it yourself. The best thing I figured out was that I don't really report to any of the managers in my store except for the Best Buy Mobile Manager directly, which ties into the second best thing, which is he is pretty cool so far. Most of you reading this probably know about my life enough to know I actually love working at Best Buy. Lately though, lots of people in my store, including myself, have been having doubts ever since lots of management and store changes have been happening. The main reason I have heard and believe the most is that we have a new General Manager, and our old one was promoted to district. Ever since that happened, which was out of nowhere, its pretty much been downhill. Finding out that I report to one guy who is a lot like me, and than after that, district management, who comes to the store for about five minutes before they go to Chili's down the street, was great news. The next greatest news, which I mentioned earlier, was meeting my new manager. I met him when I got back from training at our store and have no complaints other than his name being Alex. The reason for that is because that was my old supervisor would've gotten the manager spot if the evilness of Best Buy didn't hook friends up with jobs they shouold've gotten, only to have them leave, quit, or "step down" the day after picking her team. It may sound like I hate the old manager they picked, and trust me I don't. I do however hate the corruption that took place while she was manager, which as far as I'm concerned, is probably why she left. I'm going to end all the hate their and go on to the third and final thing I enjoyed today. The guy that was in charge of our training helped start Carphone Warehouse in the United States from the UK. Yeah, I got trained by a british guy who helped start a company that a bunch of some smart people aparently priced at 2.1 billion dollars. You may think he was wearing a suit and talked about how to "SELL, SELL, SELL!", but he wasn't. He was wearing jeans and had a tattoo sleeve that we asked him if he regreted. He said he didn't, which is always bad ass. He was what I would call the equivalent of "the best substitute teacher I've ever had." And we all know we've had one of those, and know exactly how much cooler they are than regular teachers, which he could probably teach how to teach themselves. Bottom line is, I'm starting in something that is pretty big, huge even, and its something I know I can do better than most people, which is important to me because it makes me feel like a have a purpose, which is what almost everyone in life wants. This is the first step into what I can tell is going to be my actual real world life. Where it actually goes from here with specifics isn't decided yet, just like tomorrow isn't promised. I do however know, as long as I'm alive, from now on, I'm going to be stepping to the next step in my life, which sounds retarded, unless you know what I'm actually talking about. As Dwayne said in Little Miss Sunshine, "You do what you love, and fuck the rest. "

Friday, May 16, 2008

1. Living Life

I started going for the things I want in life recently, especially if I think I deserve them. I'm not going to settle in my mind for a 2 in effort, because than there is no point in trying for anything in the first place. One of the main things I am going for recently is MY Best Buy Mobile spot at work. I stress on MY because that shit is going to belong to me. It belongs to no one else because no one wants it more than me, deserves it more than me, or can do a better job at it than me. This whole new spark in life came from watching Almost Famous again. I've seen it before and it was good and i liked it. The main reason its got me living life a million percent right now is because it was autobiographical. I can really tell that Cameron Crowe tried to perfect the story and screenplay so that it could show his story, or a story in high relation to his early life that got his career started. It made me realize that if you know you can do something, want to do it fully, and have the resources and passion for it, there is no reason it should not get done. I've messed around with a few stories for movies and TV show ideas with a couple friends that we were thinking of doing. This is what I am going to do with my life, whether it be with my friends and only having friends see it or being nominated for an Academy Award when more people in the world have seen my movie, rather than not seen my movie. I have said before that I want to make a movie with a story that really rips apart your morals and forces you to make a decision in life. Whatever the decision maybe, I honestly don't care, as long as one is made. Because if when your finished with the movie and you make a choice because of it, that means I changed the world. Whether everyone that sees the movie makes a decision, or just one person. It won't matter, because that is still changing the world. I have a few stories and ideas in my head that I'm going to put on paper before I forget them. However, I'm going to save one or two of the ones than mean the most to me for later, when I have the ability to have the stories seen by much more people. I'm also thinking of starting a video podcast on Movies and TV Shows because I truly don't believe there is a good enough one on the subject out there. Totally Rad Show is amazing and all, but thats more of upcoming movies and video games than film in general. I really don't want to start it all by myself and I haven't even found anyone I'd want to do it with me. There are a few people I would consider, but they don't have the things going on in their minds as I do in mine, which is fine, but I would rather have that one in effort, or not do it at all.